Whats THE Craic

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tribute to my Fans

The video below is a solo acoustic guitar performance that was brought to my attention from one of my followers. He commented on the acoustic performance of Thom York's "the clock" i posted awhile back, saying this was his favorite guitar performance ever. In respect to my flowers i gave it a listen of course. The Video is of the song "Ocean" live performed and written by John butler trio. It is simply an amazing piece of art this song is, with Butler effortlessly ripping his guitar so smoothly. It is easy to get lost in a song of this stature. Thanks a lot Hroedig for sharing this with me, i hope now more can enjoy it!

If anyone else has anything to share let me know about it and i will check it out

1 comment:

  1. thank you swiss. i look forward to your thoughts on some more heady tunes.
